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National Holiday for Voting Day of The General Election 2024 (PEMILU)

Based on Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia No: 10 Year 2024 about "National holiday for voting day of the General Election (2024 Election)", Please be inform, PT NTL Naigai Trans Line Indonesia will be CLOSED on 14 February 2024 and will be operating again on 15 February 2024 as usual.

Let us actively participate in the democratic process as engaged citizens, enlightened by a quest for information, critical thinking, and a dedication to the development of our country. The 2024 elections provide us all a chance to determine Indonesia’s future and reaffirm our dedication to democracy, unity, and the common good.

Please do circulate to all concerned and thank you very much for your attention and kind understanding.

So sorry for the inconvenience caused and should you need any further information or question, please do contact us on phone as below:

(NTL Jakarta : 021-39833152 )

(NTL Surabaya : 031-35979039 / 031-35979046 )


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